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3rd Scandinavian TCM Congress - Chinese Medicine and the Fertile Spirit

About the TCM Congress

The theme of the 3rd Scandinavian TCM Congress in 2011 is: "Chinese Medicine and the Fertile Spirit: Childhood, Nourishment and Long Life".

We look forward to welcoming even more participants from even more countries to the Scandinavian TCM congress.

These ...   [mehr]
About the TCM Congress

The theme of the 3rd Scandinavian TCM Congress in 2011 is: "Chinese Medicine and the Fertile Spirit: Childhood, Nourishment and Long Life".

We look forward to welcoming even more participants from even more countries to the Scandinavian TCM congress.

These congresses are part of our attempt to make TCM networking without borders possible for everybody, and thereby show the world the value of supporting each other.   [weniger]

Complexity in the study of acupuncture

90 min, english
Inhalt / abstract
Complexity in the study of acupuncture
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"The Art of Life for everybody"; vary your diagnosis

330 min, danish
Inhalt / abstract
“Livskunst for alle” gør din diagnose, din tilgang og behandling af patienter mere
"Livskunst for alle" er en unik tilgang til livet. En tilgang som til alle tider vil være gyldig
for voksne mennesker, uanset alder, køn, uddannelse og nationalitet. Det er en metode
der giver afklarethed og som nyder stor respekt for dens sammenhæng ud i alle områder
af, hvad den beskæftiger sig med.
Hvorfor kan patienten ikke blive sine skulderspændinger helt kvit? Hvorfor kan jeg ikke
øge patientens nyreenergi? Hvorfor vil det jeg er lykkes med hos adskillige andre
patienter pludselig ikke lykkes hos denne patient?
Det er en udvidet forståelse af det følelsesmæssige og det tankemæssige patienten
bærer rundt på, der er i fokus denne dag, med indblik i hvorledes dette frigøres, hvorved
patienten kan opnå størst mulig helbredelse
Du får
-indblik i syndromkomplekser på et mere nuanceret grundlag
-skærpet evnen til at blive mere præcis i din diagnose
-øget kendskab til terapihindringer som gør at "netop denne patient" kan hjælpes
-bliver mere troværdig, fordi du får øget indsigt i hindringer for helbredelse
-bedret dine behandlingsresultater
Forfatter og akupunktør Hans Erik Foldberg udtaler: "Jeg har altid søgt efter - på den ene
side - at ophæve grænsen mellem den gængse opfattelse af, hvad der er muligt, og - på
den anden side - at finde vejen til det, der reelt set er muligt. Når man forholder sig
reelt, fjerner man de barrierer, som kan stå i vejen for ens adgang til at kunne virke
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An introduction to Shonishin-Japanese Paediatric Acupuncture

360 min, english
Inhalt / abstract
An Introduction to Shonishin - Japanese Paediatric Acupuncture
Shonishin (children's needle therapy) is a unique and specialized pediatric style of
acupuncture that developed over 250 years ago in Japan. It recognizes that children do
not like needles and has instead developed specialized treatment techniques, many of
which are non-invasive and thus not frightening to the child. In Shonishin, a variety of
instruments have been developed based on the nine needles described in the classics.
These tools can be pressed, rubbed, tapped or scraped on the skin instead of inserted, to
give different kinds of gentle stimulation. When applied for short periods of time in
simple systematic patterns, these simple treatment techniques have been found effective
for a wide variety of pediatric problems from birth through to age five or older. As
children get older, and/or their problems are more difficult or stubborn, specialized
acupuncture techniques and insertion methods have also been developed and tailored to
match the needs of children, so that they are comfortable and acceptable to both the
child and the parent. Shonishin easily combines with other styles of treatment such as
the Chinese TCM acupuncture, Japanese Meridian Therapy. This allows any acupuncturist
to use the system in combination with their usual treatment approach.
The general treatment can be very useful for fortifying the child's vital energy and
strengthening their constitution. When correctly applied, this treatment will not only help
symptoms to naturally improve, but will help resolve many other small day to day
problems, helping make the child less prone to illness. The basic treatment has the
added advantage of being easily taught to parents so that they can use it regularly at
home, thus increasing frequency of treatment and allowing parents to participate actively
in the treatment of their children. This tends to reinforce the effects of treatment, and
helps make the treatment more enjoyable for everyone. Shonishin is used to treat a
wide variety of problems using these specialized approaches including emotional,
behavioural problems, sleep problems, skin, respiratory, digestive problems,
developmental problems, urinary problems, recurrent infections, weak constitution, etc.
This one day workshop will introduce the core root treatment of the Shonishin system
and show how to combine it with a simplified form of Japanese Meridian Therapy. The
lecturer has practiced Shonishin for almost thirty years and has recently completed a
book on Shonishin, published by Thieme Medical Publishers. He is also one of the senior
instructors of Japanese Meridian Therapy in Europe
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Integrating Five Elements and TCM - Deepening your Acupunct.

360 min, english
Inhalt / abstract
Integrating Five Elements and TCM - Deepening your Acupuncture
Chinese Medicine teaches that there are three main areas causing disease. These
are ‘internal’ (emotional), ‘external’ (climatic) and ‘miscellaneous’ (primarily to
do with lifestyle).
Five Element acupuncture mainly deals with diagnosing and treating the internal
causes, whilst TCM focuses mainly on the external and miscellaneous causes. By
integrating these two styles the three main areas are addressed, leading to a
broader range of conditions that can be treated at the same time as allowing
treatment to reach a deeper more profound level. This ensures that the patient’s
body, mind and spirit are all supported. During this seminar Angela and John
Hicks will be discussing:
• The similarities between Five Elements and TCM and where they overlap
• The differences between Five Elements and TCM and how each different
aspect enhances treatment
• An overview of how the two styles can be integrated
This session aims to give us insight into how we can broaden and deepen what
we do in our own practices.
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The Alchemy of the Spirit for Rejuvenation and Longevity

360 min, english
Inhalt / abstract
The Alchemy of the Spirit for Rejuvenation and Longevity
The ancient Taoists were on a perpetual hunt for the magical Elixir of Immortality,
believing it to be a concoction that they made from a series of sacred ingredients that
they ingested. Unfortunately, it usuallly caused their early demise instead. Imagine,
though, that these ingredients were instead a code that could be interpreted as
behavioral metaphors. This means that by living in certain ways, aging could be
forestalled and longevity insured. From the face, there are numerous clues about how
each person needs to live that enhances their health both physicallz and mentally and
maximizes their longevity. These signs include measurements of the Three Treasures -
the Jing, Qi and Shen and important information about the flow and meeting points of
these have been found to help people rejuvenate from my practice. Most
important, participants will be given insight into the activation of the spirit - the
alchemical process that occurs from the meeting of the the cosmic and earth energies in
the crucible of the human heart.
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Stress measurement and stress management - bridging TCM

120 min, danish
Inhalt / abstract
Stress measurement and stress management - bridging TCM and Western Science
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Fertility enhancement by nourishing life

210 min, english
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Information on Bachelor degree in Acupuncture

210 min, english
Inhalt / abstract
nformation on Bachelor degree in Acupuncture, Completion program:
How to obtain a bachelor degree in acupuncture by upgrading your acupuncture education? – Oslo University College of Acupuncture
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Opening of the congress

210 min, english
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Resume on 28 years of clinical and basic science bridging

60 min, danish
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ADD, ADHD, DAMP or just plain restless - a beloved child

210 min, english
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Chinese food knowledge for Scandinavian health

210 min, english
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Qi is magic! Five Blocks to treating the spirit

210 min, english
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Obstetric Acupuncture

210 min, english
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Research on acupuncture - the state of play and challenges facing the field

210 min, english
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Panel discussion:

120 min, english
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The Fertile Fizz - the endocrine of conception

300 min, english
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Clinical experience of children from a broad viewpoint

300 min, english
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Chinese Dietetics meets modern scientific research

300 min, english
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Five Element Aetiology - how the internal causes of disease.

300 min, english
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Closing speech of the Congress

60 min, english
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